PT Transformations vs PT Maintenance… Who wins? You decide!

PT Transformations vs PT Maintenance… Who wins? You decide!

The use of covert marketing has become very common in the fitness industry, and sometimes even necessary in my opinion. Whether it is personal trainers, fitness presenters  or even celebrities launching their own workout DVDs, the use of covert marketing has become increasingly rife in the industry.

Today I’m going to talk about body transformations, and the way in which they are currently being used as marketing tools.

The rise in social media makes a massive impact on those who indulge in viewing Facebook, Instagram etc. Through social media it is extremely easy to seek inspiration through the fitness journeys of others usually documented in pictures and videos.  Many celebrities, such as the controversial Charlotte Cosby and Casey Batchelor have taken full advantage of this by creating workout DVDs for the home, and have shown you contrasting photos of where they once were, and where they are now.

So do these celebrities have an advantage?
I guess in some cases they do – people want to see the quick fix and the massive body transformations. We live in a ‘microwave culture’. Celebrities like Charlotte Crosby are more relatable then someone who has never had to fight to lose weight or get back into shape. Did you know that one of the biggest consumers of workout DVD’s are mothers wanting to get their pre pregnancy bodies back?

This trend is now being followed by personal trainers and many have used this body transformation method to market themselves to get work.

But what about the PTs who do not have a body transformation story to tell? Do we just disregard them? Are they not able to  relate to clients to the same extent as the “transformers”?

Of course they can! I speak to so many people who say that those who have maintained a “good” body from their youth to adulthood have no idea what it takes to have a massive transformation or to lose a substantial amount of weight. I completely disagree with this and do not think they should be ruled out because they are not a ‘transformer’.

Davina McCall springs to mind when I think about this. Yes she had a body transformation, but it wasn’t as extreme compared to others.
I personally haven’t had a massive body transformation, but the pressures of maintaining a good body has put me under so much strain at times, It has caused me to get depressed, especially since the rise of social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook.  The work to sustain the body I have now, is just as hard as that of someone trying to transform their body.

So the point I am making is, although I may not have had the journey of going from big to small,  I have had a journey of maintenance, which can be seen as equally as hard.

I recently carried out a poll on my social media to see if a PT’s body transformation is more inspiring than a PT who maintains a good body throughout.  Surprisingly the poll finished 43% PT body transformation – 57% PT maintaining a good body throughout.

Yes, of course this is subjective but we also need to realise that everyone has their own journey, and just because a PT has a body transformation, it doesn’t mean that they have more knowledge of losing weight than someone who has maintained their body to their desired size.

So clients, when looking for a PT, do not just look at their transformation, find out what they can offer you, find out if they are a good match for you and if they can help you achieve the goal you are looking for.  Whether a PT has gone through a transformation or not the invaluable difference the right PT could make to your journey comes down to many factors.

Comment in the box below guys. Let me hear what inspires you when choosing your PT!

Thank you for reading.

Darren Placid

  • Angela Marie Hurst
    Posted at 23:21h, 28 January Reply

    Well said, I think it’s a good point that gets overlooked often but the visual impact of the ‘body transformation’ (big to small) does have a major affect on motivating people just to start their fitness journey because it makes our fitness goals seem more attainable ie. The ‘-If they can do it, so can I’ – effect.

    However, I do think that there shouldn’t be so much visual importance placed on major body transformation in the fitness industry because it feeds in to warped self esteem ideas based on looks rather than actual physical and mental health benifits.

    • admin
      Posted at 19:32h, 29 January Reply

      Spot on Angela. People look at others through social media and feel under so much pressure to achieve what they can see, instead of being realistic to themselves.

  • Laura Gilbert
    Posted at 05:51h, 29 January Reply

    Brilliant and very inspiring.. thoroughly enjoyed reading this. So very true. And the mark of a good PT is so many factors and never just one thing. Personality, creativity, drive and dedication, but most of all. Giving a damn about the client reaching their own personal goal….

    • admin
      Posted at 19:28h, 29 January Reply

      Hi Laura
      YES the client is and should be the main priority. Sometimes PT tend to forge that

  • Jon P
    Posted at 08:34h, 29 January Reply

    Good read Darren.
    I assume it’s all to do with time & money. People think it’ll be quicker to buy a dvd & workout from the comfort of their living room rather than going to the gym. And I think they’ll think of the difference of buying a £20 dvd or spending £20 per pt session to get the same result not realising the celebs have had pt’s & dieticians to help

    • admin
      Posted at 19:26h, 29 January Reply

      110% Jon
      I think people are looking for quick fixes, do not see the long term plans

  • Ricki Gouldesbrough
    Posted at 09:00h, 29 January Reply

    Hi Darren
    You have made some really good points here , their are so many people out there that need to learn how to maintain there body . They jump back and forward losing weight and putting it back on never maintaining the weight they desire .
    Love the article

    • admin
      Posted at 19:25h, 29 January Reply

      Thanks Ricki
      Yes for me maintenance is so important moving forward, so you can make it a lifestyle.

  • Mo
    Posted at 11:22h, 29 January Reply

    Really good post Darren. I expect a PT to have a great bod, I don’t think about whether it’s a transformation or maintenance. What’s more important for me is the results they’ve got with their clients.

    • admin
      Posted at 19:23h, 29 January Reply

      Hi Mo
      Exactly the client should always be the main priority for the PT
      Thanks for commenting

  • Sunny Santino
    Posted at 16:28h, 29 January Reply

    It all depends on what the client wants but for me I take great pleasure in seeing a clients body transform via my technics

    • admin
      Posted at 19:22h, 29 January Reply

      Yes sunny. It always is rewarding when you see a client transform, but its also great when they maintain and stick to your techniques too.

  • Mikaela Pinnock
    Posted at 17:30h, 29 January Reply

    Celebs don’t motivate me at all… Mainly because they don’t live in the real world and by that I mean if I had their money etc…a could afford to Have a personal trainer on tap would make losing weight easier be .. I believe if you have the right trainer and the drive you will succeed…. Looking at a celeb losing weight after they have a baby wouldn’t be my motivation. Someone who constantly has to work and is dedicated 24 7 with no rest ups… No downtime would motivate me far more than someone who hires a personal trainer for a couple months to get their pre body back. Darren the continuous hard work you put in to maintain is far more motivating in my opinion.

    • admin
      Posted at 19:20h, 29 January Reply

      Definitely subjective. And yes lifestyle plays a massive part.
      And thanks, I really appreciate that.

  • Nat F
    Posted at 19:02h, 29 January Reply

    Pts who have maintained can definitely add just as much value as those that have been on a weight loss journey. Good points!

    • admin
      Posted at 19:13h, 29 January Reply

      Thanks for your input Natalie

  • Nicola Mckenzie
    Posted at 19:38h, 05 February Reply

    Interesting! I’m more concerned with how much a PT would encourage me. It’s all about he/she’s attitude. It helps if they look fitter than me, as I can’t lie a good toned looking stature is more inspiring for me. Being a strong minded lady I usually need firm instructions and a no nonsense attitude, plus humour often helps when I’m at the stage where everything’s burning this helps too. So to conclude for me it’s how I engage with the PT, not so much how they look.

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